Hacksaw Ridge Film Izlemek 2016
devam : 159 dakika Wahlstimme
karar numara : 0.1/10 (76986 oy kullanmak)
yetenek : MP4 1080p
görünüm : 7061
yaratıcılık : Dance de Monster , Ethik
katmak : 2.4/10 (11466 Votum)

Hacksaw Ridge 2016 Film Izlemek
Hacksaw Ridge Film Izlemek-gebze-center-WMV-2016-untertitel-720p-ganzer film-untertitel-blu ray-MP4-HDTS-deutsch-untertitel-MPG.mp4
Hacksaw Ridge-türkçe-altyazı-AVI-2016-online stream-M2V-HDTS-stream-kostenlos-online schauen-WMV-auf englisch-online anschauen-MPG.png
Out of all the films nominated for best picture, there is one that isn’t getting much attention at all. In Hacksaw Ridge, the narrative surrounding the film doesn’t have much to do the film at all because it’s identity seems to be centered on Mel Gibson’s comeback.
Read More: https://reviews.boxofficebuz.com/review/hacksaw-ridge
I first saw Hacksaw Ridge, back in November when it first came out.. Went to an afternoon screening and it was packed. From the very first scene to the last , I was in awe. This is the best movie I have seen in a long time. The last 30 minutes of the film, I had tears rolling down my cheeks. After it ended, it got a 5 minute standing ovation. Braveheart is my all time favourite movie and have seen it over 200 times., but this might just be my new favourite movie. I have seen it 6 times now, and cried every time. It is such an emotional film. The story of the HERO Desmond Doss is truly inspiring.Thank you Mel Gibson and Desmond Doss Jr. for letting us know more about this remarkable man. Hugo Weaving was robbed of an Oscar nomination. Andrew Garfield blew my away with his performance and it is Vince Vaughn's best performance as well. It is the best film of 2016.
**On the battlefront, his intention was to save the lives.**
The film was awesome, mainly because of the good message it carried out. That's not it, the film was well made with the wonderful cast and their great performances. The special effects were top notch, as well as the location where the majority of the second half takes place. This is a US-Australian co-production. Mel Gibson returned to the director's chair with a bang after exactly a decade. It got six Oscars nominees, so let's wait and see how many awards it grabs.
It was the World War II theme, based on a real person and events. It tells the story of an American youngster named Desmond Doss, who joins the army to contribute to his nation. But for his religious point of view, he struggles during the training. After managing to make through, the remaining film focused to reveal his bravery on the battlefield against the Japanese armed forces at Okinawa in a place called Hacsaw Ridge.
The story was based on one of the ten commandments. Doss, who strongly believes in that carries the same ideology to the combat zone. But all the initial part of the film reflects why he is very on to it. Especially after a fight with his brother in his childhood, followed by saving a severely injured man in a road accident just before deciding to join the army. So it is like both, a war film, as well as an anti-war theme. Most importantly, it tells us the bravery of a man, like of something Gandhi in the battlefield.
He did it in what he had believed, but my perspective differs. I liked the film, as a biopic and the message it delivered. Very entertaining too, but when it comes to Doss' belief, I think it was flawed. In the first place he would have not joined the army if he's true to the commandment. That's the basic rule of the commandment if one wants to adopt it.
He was just one of the unique person with such idea and luckily succeeded following it in a hostile situation. Only if you think all his episodes from an atheist perspective, that's how you would feel. One of the major reasons for that is, when he saves his men by letting his enemy die. But appreciable effort, at least from the Americans perspective. A true hero for his nation. One of the best war films ever. Instead of saying a must see film, I would say don't miss it.
Most of these men don't believe the same way you do, but they believe so much in how much you believe.
Hacksaw Ridge is directed by Mel Gibson and written by Robert Schenkkan and Andrew Knight. It is based on the 2004 documentary The Conscientious Objector. It stars Andrew Garfield, Sam Worthington, Vince Vaughn, Luke Bracey, Teresa Palmer, Ryan Corr, Hugo Weaving and Rachel Griffiths. Music is by Rupert Gregson-Williams and cinematography by Simon Duggan.
Film is a depiction of the real life heroics of Desmond Doss, an American pacifist combat medic in WWII during The Battle of Okinawa.
How great to have Gibson back directing, more so when he's tackling the brutalities of war and the critical human interest stories within. The story of Desmond Doss is inspirational stuff and Gibson and his team have done his story proud.
First half of the picture details Doss' upbringing, getting to know his family background, his beliefs and the forming of his loving relationship with Dorothy Schutte. Then after Pearl Harbour he enlists in service and we are then witness to boot camp, which comes with the horrors of bullying and ostracization due to Doss refusing to even touch a rifle - let alone use one! After the military based political thunder has exhausted its armoury, Doss and the rest of the 77th Infantry Division are sent to Okinawa to try and capture the Maeda Escarpment (Hacksaw Ridge). From where a true legend is born.
As is a Gibson trademark, the battle scenes are terrifyingly real and bloody as can be, the horrors of war laid bare for dramatic impact. Amongst the carnage, which is magnificently framed in smoky hazes and a landscape obliterated by weaponry, Doss (brilliantly brought to life by Garfield) comes to the fore. From within the madness comes humanity in its purest and most genuine form, and it makes for edge of the seat viewing whilst stirring the blood of those invested fully in this remarkable story. 9/10
***Tribute to a real-life WW2 “conscientious collaborator”***
After Pearl Harbor, Desmond Doss of Lynchburg, Virginia, joins the US Army to become a medic and serves at the Battle of Okinawa. As a Seventh Day Adventist and conscientious objector, his goal was to save lives, not kill, which naturally causes problems with his fellow soldiers; until they observe his bravery in combat. Teresa Palmer is on hand as Doss’ potential babe while Vince Vaughn plays the drill sergeant.
Based on a true story and directed by Mel Gibson, "Hacksaw Ridge" (2016) is a reverent and compelling WW2 flick that includes the usual training sequences in the first half balanced by intense combat sequences in the second. The unique factor here is that the brave protagonist refuses to use a weapon and is determined to only save lives in the midst of the insanity of war. This is an interesting real-life tale that needs to be told and “Hacksaw Ridge” is a good war movie only marred by laying on the heroics too thick as well as the lack of depth in the peripheral characters, which makes them uninteresting. The latter is in contrast to the outstanding “Platoon” (1986) which featured several well-defined characters.
The movie’s about an individual who believes in ABSOLUTE pacifism, which is a peaceable attitude that refuses to ever turn to violence, even in response to evil or for the purpose of national defense. He thinks this is supported by the Bible and, specifically, the New Testament, but it isn’t. The Scriptures support LIMITED pacifism, which is a peaceable attitude that only resorts to violence when justified. Christ' instructions to "turn the cheek" related to responding to a backhanded slap to the face, which was an insult in that culture. In other words, we could all save ourselves a lot of trouble in life if we learn to ignore the antagonism of various morons who would like to divert our focus and ruin our day. The Old Testament teaches this as well: "A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult" (Proverbs 12:16). So Christ was talking about giving an antagonist a break for the sake of peace in situations of personal offense; he wasn't referring to cases of severe criminal acts or defense of one’s nation.
For proof, Jesus' ministry team had a treasury box and some of his workers carried swords for protection from thieves/murderers in their travels. You see, Christ & his disciples weren’t absolute pacifists. On two occasions, the Messiah got a whip out and chased all the fools out of the Temple – throwing over tables, swinging the whip and yelling. He was a Holy Terror, pure & simple, and this caused the legalistic religious leaders to fear him and plot murder (Mark 11:15-18). Harmless pacifists don't inspire fear and provoke murder plots. Moreover, Romans 13 clearly states that the righteous laws of human governments are ordained of God for the purpose of punishing criminals, domestic & foreign, who threaten the lives of citizens. This includes the right to execute when appropriate. The majority of sane Christians realize this, but there are a few extremists, like Doss in the movie, who refuse to be balanced with the Scriptures on this matter and insist that violent conflict is never appropriate. They’re wrong. Sometimes it’s necessary, like after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, unprovoked, murdering over 2300 innocents and wounding 1100.
The film runs 2 hour, 19 minutes, and was shot in New South Wales, Australia.
[HD] Hacksaw Ridge 2016 Film Izlemek
Kısa film
Harcandı : $789,567,917
Gelir : $848,269,325
Kategoriler : Maritimes Drama - Widerstand paradox , Ethik Legende - Identität , Anthologie - Spionage , Isolation - Biographie
Üretici Ülke : Indonesien
Prodüksiyon : Margo
قائمة الكواكب الصغيرة 8001–9000 ويكيبيديا ~ هذه قائمة الكواكب الصغيرة المرقمة في النظام الشمسي من 8001 إلي 9000 قريبة من الأرض
قائمة رموز المراصد الفلكية ويكيبيديا ~ هذه قائمة رموز المراصد الفلكية، أو رموز الاتحاد الفلكي الدولي، والمراصد الفلكية المقابلة لها مركز الكواكب الصغيرة– هو منظَّمة رسميَّة تابعة للاتحاد الفلكي الدولي، مسؤول عن جمع وتسجيل جميع البيانات الرصديَّة
مشجعي الرسوم البيانية ويكيبيديا ~ مشجعي الرسوم البيانية، بالإنجليزية Fangraphs، هو أسم موقع إلكتروني، تديره شركة Fangraphs تقع في أرلينغتون، فرجينيا، والتي أنشأها ويمتلكها، ديفيد أبيلمان، والتي توفر إحصائيات، لكل لاعب في تاريخ دوري البيسبول الرئيسي
مستخدمMervatقائمة نساء كاتبات ويكيبيديا ~ Maria Hack 1777–1844 English childrens writer Marilyn Hacker ولدت عام 1942 American poet translator and critic Jessica Hagedorn ولدت عام 1949 Filipino American poet playwright and novelist
ألوات ساكيما ويكيبيديا ~ ألوات ساكيما بالإنجليزية Allowat Sakima ألوات ساكيما تعني حرفيا الرئيس الجبار أو الرئيس العظيم، وهي إشارة مجازية إلى معبود خارق، الروح الأعظمكما أنها إشارة احترام للشخصيات الأسطورية ذات الأهمية الثقافية والتاريخية
جمعية النسر الكشفية الوطنية ويكيبيديا ~ جمعية النسر الكشفية الوطنية بالإنجليزيةNational Eagle Scout Association هي منظمة تتكون من مجموعة من الرجال الذين حصل على رتبة النسر الكشفي في الكشافة الأمريكيةالهدف المعلن هو خلال خدمة النسر الكشفي تحصل على الحركة الكاملة في
مزرعة فيلمونت الكشفية ويكيبيديا ~ مزرعة فيلمونت الكشفية هي مزرعة جبلية وعرة وكبيرة تقع بالقرب من بلدة سيمارون، نيو مكسيكو، والتي تغطي 140177 فدان 219،027 ميل مربع من البرية في جبال سانغري دي كريستو في جبال روكي في شمال نيو مكسيكو
كلوندايك دربي ويكيبيديا ~ كلوندايك دربي هو حدث سنوي تقيمه بعض الكشافة من مناطق أمريكا وكندا خلال أشهر الشتاء، ويستند إلى تراث البحث عن حمى ذهب كلوندايك وحدات جيش صرب البوسنة تشغل حدث كلوندايك ديربي منذ عام 1949 يختلف هذا الحدث من منطقة إلى منطقة
جيمس إدوارد ويست كشاف ويكيبيديا ~ جيمس إدوارد ويست 16 مايو 1876 15 مايو 1948 كان محاميا ومدافعا عن حقوق الطفل، أصبح أول أمين تنفيذي مهني في الولايات المتحدة، وسرعان ما أعيدت تسميته إلى الرئيس الكشفي التنفيذي في الكشافة الأمريكية وكانت مده خدمته من 1911 إلى 1943
دانيال كارتر بيرد ويكيبيديا ~ دانيال كارتر العم دان بيرد 21 يونيو 1850 11 يونيو 1941 كان مصور ومؤلف وزعيم الشباب ومصلح إجتماعي أمريكي أسس البرنامج الشبابي أبناء دانيال بون في عام 1905 واندمج دانيال كارتر بيرد في وقت لاحق مع الكشافة الأمريكية Boy Scouts of America
WWII American Army Medic Desmond T. Doss, who served during the Battle of Okinawa, refuses to kill people and becomes the first Conscientious Objector in American history to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Hacksaw Ridge Full Izle, Hacksaw Ridge Türkçe Dublaj Full Izle, Hacksaw Ridge türkçe dublaj, Hacksaw Ridge full hd izle, Hacksaw Ridge türkçe dublaj izle, Hacksaw Ridge türkçe altyazı, Hacksaw Ridge cinemaximum
Hacksaw Ridge-film-müzikleri-hd-film-ix-filim-izlle-hd-filme-hd-film-i-izle-full-fılım-ızle-sinema-izle-online-2016-fılm-ızle-hd-ne-film-izlesek-full-film-izl3-full-film-izle--720p-DTS.jpg
Hacksaw Ridge Film Izlemek 2016
devam : 159 dakika Wahlstimme
karar numara : 0.1/10 (76986 oy kullanmak)
yetenek : MP4 1080p
görünüm : 7061
yaratıcılık : Dance de Monster , Ethik
katmak : 2.4/10 (11466 Votum)

Hacksaw Ridge 2016 Film Izlemek
Hacksaw Ridge Film Izlemek-gebze-center-WMV-2016-untertitel-720p-ganzer film-untertitel-blu ray-MP4-HDTS-deutsch-untertitel-MPG.mp4
Hacksaw Ridge-türkçe-altyazı-AVI-2016-online stream-M2V-HDTS-stream-kostenlos-online schauen-WMV-auf englisch-online anschauen-MPG.png
Out of all the films nominated for best picture, there is one that isn’t getting much attention at all. In Hacksaw Ridge, the narrative surrounding the film doesn’t have much to do the film at all because it’s identity seems to be centered on Mel Gibson’s comeback.
Read More: https://reviews.boxofficebuz.com/review/hacksaw-ridge
I first saw Hacksaw Ridge, back in November when it first came out.. Went to an afternoon screening and it was packed. From the very first scene to the last , I was in awe. This is the best movie I have seen in a long time. The last 30 minutes of the film, I had tears rolling down my cheeks. After it ended, it got a 5 minute standing ovation. Braveheart is my all time favourite movie and have seen it over 200 times., but this might just be my new favourite movie. I have seen it 6 times now, and cried every time. It is such an emotional film. The story of the HERO Desmond Doss is truly inspiring.Thank you Mel Gibson and Desmond Doss Jr. for letting us know more about this remarkable man. Hugo Weaving was robbed of an Oscar nomination. Andrew Garfield blew my away with his performance and it is Vince Vaughn's best performance as well. It is the best film of 2016.
**On the battlefront, his intention was to save the lives.**
The film was awesome, mainly because of the good message it carried out. That's not it, the film was well made with the wonderful cast and their great performances. The special effects were top notch, as well as the location where the majority of the second half takes place. This is a US-Australian co-production. Mel Gibson returned to the director's chair with a bang after exactly a decade. It got six Oscars nominees, so let's wait and see how many awards it grabs.
It was the World War II theme, based on a real person and events. It tells the story of an American youngster named Desmond Doss, who joins the army to contribute to his nation. But for his religious point of view, he struggles during the training. After managing to make through, the remaining film focused to reveal his bravery on the battlefield against the Japanese armed forces at Okinawa in a place called Hacsaw Ridge.
The story was based on one of the ten commandments. Doss, who strongly believes in that carries the same ideology to the combat zone. But all the initial part of the film reflects why he is very on to it. Especially after a fight with his brother in his childhood, followed by saving a severely injured man in a road accident just before deciding to join the army. So it is like both, a war film, as well as an anti-war theme. Most importantly, it tells us the bravery of a man, like of something Gandhi in the battlefield.
He did it in what he had believed, but my perspective differs. I liked the film, as a biopic and the message it delivered. Very entertaining too, but when it comes to Doss' belief, I think it was flawed. In the first place he would have not joined the army if he's true to the commandment. That's the basic rule of the commandment if one wants to adopt it.
He was just one of the unique person with such idea and luckily succeeded following it in a hostile situation. Only if you think all his episodes from an atheist perspective, that's how you would feel. One of the major reasons for that is, when he saves his men by letting his enemy die. But appreciable effort, at least from the Americans perspective. A true hero for his nation. One of the best war films ever. Instead of saying a must see film, I would say don't miss it.
Most of these men don't believe the same way you do, but they believe so much in how much you believe.
Hacksaw Ridge is directed by Mel Gibson and written by Robert Schenkkan and Andrew Knight. It is based on the 2004 documentary The Conscientious Objector. It stars Andrew Garfield, Sam Worthington, Vince Vaughn, Luke Bracey, Teresa Palmer, Ryan Corr, Hugo Weaving and Rachel Griffiths. Music is by Rupert Gregson-Williams and cinematography by Simon Duggan.
Film is a depiction of the real life heroics of Desmond Doss, an American pacifist combat medic in WWII during The Battle of Okinawa.
How great to have Gibson back directing, more so when he's tackling the brutalities of war and the critical human interest stories within. The story of Desmond Doss is inspirational stuff and Gibson and his team have done his story proud.
First half of the picture details Doss' upbringing, getting to know his family background, his beliefs and the forming of his loving relationship with Dorothy Schutte. Then after Pearl Harbour he enlists in service and we are then witness to boot camp, which comes with the horrors of bullying and ostracization due to Doss refusing to even touch a rifle - let alone use one! After the military based political thunder has exhausted its armoury, Doss and the rest of the 77th Infantry Division are sent to Okinawa to try and capture the Maeda Escarpment (Hacksaw Ridge). From where a true legend is born.
As is a Gibson trademark, the battle scenes are terrifyingly real and bloody as can be, the horrors of war laid bare for dramatic impact. Amongst the carnage, which is magnificently framed in smoky hazes and a landscape obliterated by weaponry, Doss (brilliantly brought to life by Garfield) comes to the fore. From within the madness comes humanity in its purest and most genuine form, and it makes for edge of the seat viewing whilst stirring the blood of those invested fully in this remarkable story. 9/10
***Tribute to a real-life WW2 “conscientious collaborator”***
After Pearl Harbor, Desmond Doss of Lynchburg, Virginia, joins the US Army to become a medic and serves at the Battle of Okinawa. As a Seventh Day Adventist and conscientious objector, his goal was to save lives, not kill, which naturally causes problems with his fellow soldiers; until they observe his bravery in combat. Teresa Palmer is on hand as Doss’ potential babe while Vince Vaughn plays the drill sergeant.
Based on a true story and directed by Mel Gibson, "Hacksaw Ridge" (2016) is a reverent and compelling WW2 flick that includes the usual training sequences in the first half balanced by intense combat sequences in the second. The unique factor here is that the brave protagonist refuses to use a weapon and is determined to only save lives in the midst of the insanity of war. This is an interesting real-life tale that needs to be told and “Hacksaw Ridge” is a good war movie only marred by laying on the heroics too thick as well as the lack of depth in the peripheral characters, which makes them uninteresting. The latter is in contrast to the outstanding “Platoon” (1986) which featured several well-defined characters.
The movie’s about an individual who believes in ABSOLUTE pacifism, which is a peaceable attitude that refuses to ever turn to violence, even in response to evil or for the purpose of national defense. He thinks this is supported by the Bible and, specifically, the New Testament, but it isn’t. The Scriptures support LIMITED pacifism, which is a peaceable attitude that only resorts to violence when justified. Christ' instructions to "turn the cheek" related to responding to a backhanded slap to the face, which was an insult in that culture. In other words, we could all save ourselves a lot of trouble in life if we learn to ignore the antagonism of various morons who would like to divert our focus and ruin our day. The Old Testament teaches this as well: "A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult" (Proverbs 12:16). So Christ was talking about giving an antagonist a break for the sake of peace in situations of personal offense; he wasn't referring to cases of severe criminal acts or defense of one’s nation.
For proof, Jesus' ministry team had a treasury box and some of his workers carried swords for protection from thieves/murderers in their travels. You see, Christ & his disciples weren’t absolute pacifists. On two occasions, the Messiah got a whip out and chased all the fools out of the Temple – throwing over tables, swinging the whip and yelling. He was a Holy Terror, pure & simple, and this caused the legalistic religious leaders to fear him and plot murder (Mark 11:15-18). Harmless pacifists don't inspire fear and provoke murder plots. Moreover, Romans 13 clearly states that the righteous laws of human governments are ordained of God for the purpose of punishing criminals, domestic & foreign, who threaten the lives of citizens. This includes the right to execute when appropriate. The majority of sane Christians realize this, but there are a few extremists, like Doss in the movie, who refuse to be balanced with the Scriptures on this matter and insist that violent conflict is never appropriate. They’re wrong. Sometimes it’s necessary, like after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, unprovoked, murdering over 2300 innocents and wounding 1100.
The film runs 2 hour, 19 minutes, and was shot in New South Wales, Australia.
[HD] Hacksaw Ridge 2016 Film Izlemek
Kısa film
Harcandı : $789,567,917
Gelir : $848,269,325
Kategoriler : Maritimes Drama - Widerstand paradox , Ethik Legende - Identität , Anthologie - Spionage , Isolation - Biographie
Üretici Ülke : Indonesien
Prodüksiyon : Margo
قائمة الكواكب الصغيرة 8001–9000 ويكيبيديا ~ هذه قائمة الكواكب الصغيرة المرقمة في النظام الشمسي من 8001 إلي 9000 قريبة من الأرض
قائمة رموز المراصد الفلكية ويكيبيديا ~ هذه قائمة رموز المراصد الفلكية، أو رموز الاتحاد الفلكي الدولي، والمراصد الفلكية المقابلة لها مركز الكواكب الصغيرة– هو منظَّمة رسميَّة تابعة للاتحاد الفلكي الدولي، مسؤول عن جمع وتسجيل جميع البيانات الرصديَّة
مشجعي الرسوم البيانية ويكيبيديا ~ مشجعي الرسوم البيانية، بالإنجليزية Fangraphs، هو أسم موقع إلكتروني، تديره شركة Fangraphs تقع في أرلينغتون، فرجينيا، والتي أنشأها ويمتلكها، ديفيد أبيلمان، والتي توفر إحصائيات، لكل لاعب في تاريخ دوري البيسبول الرئيسي
مستخدمMervatقائمة نساء كاتبات ويكيبيديا ~ Maria Hack 1777–1844 English childrens writer Marilyn Hacker ولدت عام 1942 American poet translator and critic Jessica Hagedorn ولدت عام 1949 Filipino American poet playwright and novelist
ألوات ساكيما ويكيبيديا ~ ألوات ساكيما بالإنجليزية Allowat Sakima ألوات ساكيما تعني حرفيا الرئيس الجبار أو الرئيس العظيم، وهي إشارة مجازية إلى معبود خارق، الروح الأعظمكما أنها إشارة احترام للشخصيات الأسطورية ذات الأهمية الثقافية والتاريخية
جمعية النسر الكشفية الوطنية ويكيبيديا ~ جمعية النسر الكشفية الوطنية بالإنجليزيةNational Eagle Scout Association هي منظمة تتكون من مجموعة من الرجال الذين حصل على رتبة النسر الكشفي في الكشافة الأمريكيةالهدف المعلن هو خلال خدمة النسر الكشفي تحصل على الحركة الكاملة في
مزرعة فيلمونت الكشفية ويكيبيديا ~ مزرعة فيلمونت الكشفية هي مزرعة جبلية وعرة وكبيرة تقع بالقرب من بلدة سيمارون، نيو مكسيكو، والتي تغطي 140177 فدان 219،027 ميل مربع من البرية في جبال سانغري دي كريستو في جبال روكي في شمال نيو مكسيكو
كلوندايك دربي ويكيبيديا ~ كلوندايك دربي هو حدث سنوي تقيمه بعض الكشافة من مناطق أمريكا وكندا خلال أشهر الشتاء، ويستند إلى تراث البحث عن حمى ذهب كلوندايك وحدات جيش صرب البوسنة تشغل حدث كلوندايك ديربي منذ عام 1949 يختلف هذا الحدث من منطقة إلى منطقة
جيمس إدوارد ويست كشاف ويكيبيديا ~ جيمس إدوارد ويست 16 مايو 1876 15 مايو 1948 كان محاميا ومدافعا عن حقوق الطفل، أصبح أول أمين تنفيذي مهني في الولايات المتحدة، وسرعان ما أعيدت تسميته إلى الرئيس الكشفي التنفيذي في الكشافة الأمريكية وكانت مده خدمته من 1911 إلى 1943
دانيال كارتر بيرد ويكيبيديا ~ دانيال كارتر العم دان بيرد 21 يونيو 1850 11 يونيو 1941 كان مصور ومؤلف وزعيم الشباب ومصلح إجتماعي أمريكي أسس البرنامج الشبابي أبناء دانيال بون في عام 1905 واندمج دانيال كارتر بيرد في وقت لاحق مع الكشافة الأمريكية Boy Scouts of America
WWII American Army Medic Desmond T. Doss, who served during the Battle of Okinawa, refuses to kill people and becomes the first Conscientious Objector in American history to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor.
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